How could it have taken five people?
Seriously, this could use improvement in every category. I imagine the work for this being split up like one person owning MS paint, on person with no hands doing the drawing, on person owning a microphone, one person owning the microwave the the sounds were recorded inside of, and one person owning a copy of flash to cobble this monstrosity together.
Seriously, it's been done many times before, and this movie had the potential to be another funny livecorpse movie, if it wasn't so damned incomprehensible. Generally, in a collaboration, people play to their strengths, that's why there's multiple people involved. This looks like the five people were five starving monkeys thrown into a sack with a dozen squirrels and a computer, and this movie was the result of the random noises, keystrokes, and mouse movements.
Just try to improve that, and you'll be fine.